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Google History

How I search my google browsing history?

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To search Google History you can find it in two different ways.

First, open your browser which you used for browsing eg. Google Chrome. On your google chrome go to the customize menu and open it then click the History. There is also a shortcut keypress ctrl+H it will open automatically.


The second way to see the google browsing history is that G to Google.com and write My activity on google and search it. then you will need to sign in and after sign in you will see your google history.

So by doing these techniques, you can find your Google History. You can delete the browsing history on your browser or from the Google activity.

1 comment:

  1. If you want to track somebody's browser history, for example on your kid's devise, I would recommend you to use mspylite. My wife and I are using it for several months and really enjoy it. With the app there's no need to take the child's tablet all the time and check the browse history, you can do it remotely which I like a lot.


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